Hey Guys!
My name is Damien Blaauw, and this is my Blog.
I have been back and forth on what exactly it is that I wanted to Blog about, and after two years I have finally decided on my niche.
I noticed that there were many Blogs, forums and self help pages for Mom's and women in general, but nothing really spoke to Dad's and men in general.
Don't get me wrong, there are several male publications which speak to various facets of Mandom, if that is even a word!
Sadly though, there are not really spaces for males to come together around topical and practical issues relating to being a Father. Issues around parenting, relationships and all other matters that are relegated to Barbershop and Gym conversations at best.
Fatherhood is often regarded as something that you generally figure out on your own, but I would like to provide an outlet for those out there who potentially have a question or would like to share war stories as it were, and hopefully we can build a community of Fathers who can just hang out and find interesting points of relation.
I have therefore decided to dedicate my blog to some of these matters and I would welcome feedback, suggestions, commentary, etc.
I would like to establish some sort of dialogue between Fathers, Father figures and men in general, as a means of debunking the established perception that males are not in touch with their emotions.
#blaauwchronicles #donttalkaboutitbeaboutit #lifestyle #boss #legend #bespoke #dapper #winning #dmoney #dolcevita #itsalllove #loveyours #legacy